Topic 3 – Identify Frames and Metaphors

MOOC Summaries - Reinvent Yourself Unleash Creativity - Identify Frames and Metaphors

Topic 3 – Identify Frames and Metaphors

“Frames defined … Characteristics of frames … Frames grab you … Breaking frames … Discussion of stop & thinks … Wrap-Up”


  • Topic 3 - Identify Frames and Metaphors > Frames defined > Frames Defined
  • Topic 3 - Identify Frames and Metaphors > Characteristics of frames > Characteristics of Frames
  • Topic 3 - Identify Frames and Metaphors > Frames grab you > Frames Grab You
  • Topic 3 - Identify Frames and Metaphors > Breaking frames > Breaking Frames
  • Topic 3 - Identify Frames and Metaphors > Discussion of stop & thinks > Discussion of Stop & Thinks
  • Topic 3 - Identify Frames and Metaphors > Topic 3 Wrap-Up > Concept Review

Topic 3 – Identify Frames and Metaphors > Frames defined > Frames Defined

  • This week Eggbert will lead us to the I in PIG In MuD, identify frames and find alternatives.
  • How does anyone come up with a transformational idea? The answer lies in our habitual ways of approaching problems; what linguists call frames.
  • Frames are the expectations and assumptions we bring to interpreting new information.
  • Frames are typically unconscious, more so than you might imagine.
  • Because frames are beneath our level of awareness, they are hard to identify and even harder to change.

Topic 3 – Identify Frames and Metaphors > Characteristics of frames > Characteristics of Frames

  • In an experiment conducted by a famed to Yale psychologist, students standing on buses asked seated strangers to give them their seat.
  • When the student politely offered a good reason, such as feeling faint, the seated person often did switch places.
  • The stranger less often rose, when the student asked for the seat wondering out loud to an accomplice, whether it would be all right to ask someone for a seat.
  • In one context, a good reason, the stranger’s assumption was that the student needed help.
  • In another context, an unsupported request, the assumption might have been that the student was maddeningly entitled.

Topic 3 – Identify Frames and Metaphors > Frames grab you > Frames Grab You

  • Metaphors are a language device we use to convey frames, and they turn up the emotional heat.
  • Thus, metaphors, like frames, grab at our heartstrings and leave a lasting impression.

Topic 3 – Identify Frames and Metaphors > Breaking frames > Breaking Frames

  • Without frames, it’s unclear how complex societies could evolve.
  • Since frames are subconscious and embedded, we’re often unaware of what they are, let alone how to break them.
  • Finding alternative frames can be helped using an easy four step approach.
  • Identify the current frame using metaphors, consider the consequences – good and bad – of the existing frame, devise an alternative frame, consider the consequences of the new frame.

Topic 3 – Identify Frames and Metaphors > Discussion of stop & thinks > Discussion of Stop & Thinks

  • Discussion of frames and metaphors using McDonald’s as an example.

Topic 3 – Identify Frames and Metaphors > Topic 3 Wrap-Up > Concept Review

  • Frames are thus ubiquitous, contextual, and emotional.
  • They constrain innovation by setting powerful norms that are hard to identify, let alone break.
  • Successful frame breaking is the very essence of disruptive innovation, a skill that, if you master it, will take you far as a budding innovator.

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 photo: depositphotos/bloomua
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