Section 2: Networking

Section 2: Networking

Introduction … Networking Prep … Networking Follow-Up … Conclusion
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  • Section 2: Networking > Subsection 1: Introduction > Introduction to Networking
  • Section 2: Networking > Subsection 2: Networking Prep > The Elevator Pitch
  • Section 2: Networking > Subsection 3: Networking > Networking Do's and Don'ts

Section 2: Networking > Subsection 1: Introduction > Introduction to Networking

  • Between 60 and 80 percent of jobs are found through networking.
  • What if you’re not an experienced networker? Good news! Networking can happen anytime, anywhere.
  • Have you ever played a sport, joined a club, or taken a class? Have you developed relationships with other individuals with whom you share common interests and experiences? Networking opportunities, both in-person and online, exist all around you.
  • Building a robust network can be a rewarding experience that will have significant benefits both personally and professionally.

Section 2: Networking > Subsection 2: Networking Prep > The Elevator Pitch

  • I was pumped that I was brought down to New York for this interview, and he was asking me about it, and I was telling him, and I was telling him how excited I was and things that I had researched and what I’d learned about the company and he said “Great!”
  • I went to my interview, and I had the interview, and when I came out they told me that I had the job and I said “But you didn’t even speak to the guy I interviewed with!” and they said “Oh, apparently you rode up in the elevator with the head of sales and trade when you came here and he hired you.” You never know who you’re going to talk to.

Section 2: Networking > Subsection 3: Networking > Networking Do’s and Don’ts

  • See, our development team came up with some new features and they’re great but, I don’t know.
  • Don’t do what Simone did and just start spewing information at someone.
  • Simone: May I sit down? Rebecca: Yeah, absolutely! Simone: So, what do you do for fun besides networking events? Rebecca: Well, when I’m not at networking events, I’m usually up at the mountains skiing.
  • Would you recommend skiing over snowboarding? Rebecca: Yeah, I mean, they’re both great sports, but the first time out I definitely recommend that you get an instructor.
  • I’m looking for a new job, so I came here to see if I could meet some new people and grow my network.
  • Simone: Very cool, welcome! Rebecca: So what do you do, Simone? Simone: I’m the operations manager at a global tech company.
  • Where did you transfer from? Rebecca: I’m coming in from San Francisco.

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